Sunday, April 14, 2013

An Impromptu Decision

Last Sunday, my family met for lunch at our favorite, hole in the wall, Mexican Restaurant. My brother and parents had just returned from a spring break vacation to Cancun.  It was great to catch up.

In our conversation my mom started telling us about all the problems my grandparents were having with their vacation home in Florida. To make a long story short, basically their house was settling and they ended up finding out it was sitting on a sink hole.  They are having all this major work done on the house and had to move half the furniture out of the house.

In a joke I had suggested that my mom and I go down to help.  Her response was, well actually, I thought about it.  By the time we left the restaurant we had a plan to go home and look up the cost.  By 2pm we had our plane tickets bought and were on our way shopping for clothes for Brody to wear.

We left THE NEXT MORNING (yes, I know we're crazy) and headed for Fort Lauderdale. We stayed until Saturday. We ended up helping Grandma and Grandpa only a little, they mostly had all the work done.  However, the trip is one I will never forget.

I'll never forget that one time my mom, Brody, and I just decided to up and go to Florida.  The memories we made will last a lifetime.  We didn't do a whole lot except for play in the pool and go out to eat but it was one of the most special trips.  Brody had his first plane ride, his first time swimming, and his first time on the beach. I got to spend time with my mom and she got to experience her first grandchild doing all his "firsts" too.

The more I live, the more I realize these are the important things in life. We took 6 days out of our crazy schedules, and just did something we will never forget. We got away and forgot about all the business life sometimes holds. We got away and just spent time together.

I am so thankful for my mom. She has been such a influential part of my life and truly shaped the women I am today. I look up to her in every aspect of life. She is a great mom and an even better Grandma to my son.  I hope I can be half the mom to Brody that she is to me!

So here I sit, feeling so blessed by one little impromptu decision!
I'll leave you with some pictures from our adventure!

Brody on the beach with Great Grandma Schenkel

Brody's first plane ride

Brody and my mom (his gammy) on the pier

With Gammy in the pool

having so much fun sitting by the pool

He loved the water

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