Thursday, March 28, 2013

Get your Foot Out of your Mouth

Hey All....

Today I am going to write to you about a topic that I need to hear just as much as the next person. 

I am a talker. What?? This may come as a surprise to most of you (Can you detect sarcasm on a blog?) but my mouth has gotten me into a lot of trouble. I mean from the time I went to preschool I can remember being sat in the "power chair" because I was talking when either the teacher was lecturing or I was suppose to be working.

In the past several years my talking has produced much humor for those who love me.  My family has forever called me Archie Bunker.  Today when preparing to write this I went and looked up some of Archie's antics on YouTube.

Now, unlike Mr. Bunker my language is not rude, its just wrong. I often, OK 95% of the time get sayings or phrases wrong.  Some of my most quotable mishaps:

"She's is the black wolf of the family"
"That's the best thing since sliced tea"
"You have too many pots in the fire"
"You don't have to beat it with a dead horse"

Yes, I know its sad and very true.  Unlike my family I would like to see myself as similar to the character of Gloria, played by Sofia Vergara, on the hit TV show Modern Family. Who often messes up words and sayings due to the fact she is not use to speaking English. 
I would also like to pretend I look like her.
Unfortunately my inability to correctly communicate has not come just from not understand or saying phrases right, but also from the inability to shut my mouth.

Often times I am too quick to speak. I have had several occasions where my inability to stop and think about the words pouring out of my mouth so freely has left a poor impression. Is this harmful, Is what I am about to say going to further the kingdom of God?

Oh...crap! And then the damage is done. Sometimes it can be laughed off.  Other times, not so much and I am left feeling like a miserable person who should really just not communicate unless need be.

Just this last week I had such occasion. And I mean man, did I put my foot in my mouth BAD! I felt so so horrible. And you know what God did too because in my quite time that very night he rocked my world. He showed me scripture, after scripture, after scripture about watching my mouth

Proverbs 10:19 "Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut." (NLV)

James 1:19 "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry"

Ecclesiastes 5:2 "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."
Wowzers! Stings doesn't it? 

I write this to you not for a good laugh or to in some way boast about myself but as a humble piece of pie.  Look, I say a lot of dumb stuff. And the fact is that if I am not careful I could harm someone from seeing the full kingdom of God. That's mind blowing!

As Christians we are called to be different, so that others can see Christ though us.  So that others can see what Jesus Christ is doing in my life.  If I am walking around constantly with my foot in my mouth people are not going to see Jesus. 

BUT IF... I was slow to speak and quick to listen.  
BUT IF... I cried out "Oh Jesus, help these to be not my words but yours."
BUT IF... My actions spoke louder than my words.
BUT IF... I cried out and believed, not my will but yours be done.

Maybe, just maybe He could use this mouth for good. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tired of the Chatter

Hello Again,

Two posts in one day...must be the new girl!

Before the meat of post begins I want to give you some background.  I am currently completing my bachelors degree in Business Management and am enrolled in an online class.  For this class we have to complete weekly discussion boards where we communicate with our classmates on any topic that we choose ie. current events or what we have been learning in class. 

Before sitting down to work on homework, I of course, got on facebook and I literally about threw my computer off the table. My frustrations lead me to write the following:

Tired of the Chatter

Have you ever longed for silence, quiet, peace? I am not talking about the literal meaning of silence as in I wish my husband would stop talking, or my child stop screaming, but a difference silence. The one where we as Americans stop debating every single hot topic to its death. Guns are bad, Guns are good; Gay marriage is illegal; Gay marriage is legal; Raise taxes, lower taxes, cut spending; and on, and on and on. Ever just think for one second. 
Am I the only one over here about to lose my ever-loving mind?
When did we become a society so obsessed and consumed about being right? We are in fact so consumed with the idea of never being wrong that we will take down any thing or any one along are rampage way. I mean seriously you cannot turn on the TV or open facebook without someone going off the handle about something our society is doing wrong. And along this trail they insult not only someone else but their own intelligence.

We've become so consumed with the fight and being right.  But what if we are all wrong?  What if the point of this is not to win but to lose?  Lose the attitude. Lose the better than thou mentality. And admit for once in our freaking lives that we might either 1. Be wrong or 2. Unable to control the outcome of the debate. 
What if we are called to lose. I know we are called to not want anything of "this" world. 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them." 
When my name is called and I leave this earth I take NOTHING with me. Not my physical body, my house, my children, my guns,my marriage, NOTHING. So in all reality none of this stuff matters. I know this rocks my world a bit, but as an American and more importantly as a christian, I think its time we step back and realize its not ours to lose.
By losing we inturn win.  We win the reassurance that this world is a nasty place and not our home. That we are called to so much more than all of this. Romans 12:2 says it beautifully:
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will." 

Trust me, I am a winner, and normally a right-wing conservative who would debate you on just about anything. But through facebook (yes facebook is not all evil) God has been rocking my world.  What if I really lived my life out as through it was to lose? I think as Americans we sometimes are so spoiled we do not know "true" persecution. 
But what if, in order to win, or have our faith be a living example, we must lose? All I know is I am tired of the chatter?

Disclamier: Warning enter at own risk

Holy Cow... I did it!

Hello All, I finally started a blog! As you will soon see I am a person that can talk a topic or situation to death before I act on it.  I have been telling my one of my best girl friends, Erica (shameless plug in first post) how long I have wanted to do this!

OK, first things first. If you are looking for this hot mom, who's got her life together, perfect wife, and perfect christian you might as well turn around and never come back.   Kidding, but seriously. I would say 85% of the time I am a hot hot mess. Things do not go right, (blame it on the baby, pretty sure he stole my brain along with my body...kidding) and sometimes I am honestly shocked at the things that come out of my mouth.

Secondly, grammar and me broke up along time ago. Seriously, I just spelled grammar wrong. God blessed me with spell check, and those beautiful little red and green lines that tell me warning your a hot mess.  I really don't want to worry about my grammar on this blog.  Yes, I will probably still write with commas, because seriously, I love me a good comma! They just bring so much, drama! But in all honestsness-(seriously not a word) I want this blog to sound like me.  And as we already established earlier it's a hot mess.

So welcome to my life. This blog probably will be priamrily about my faith, and where God is leading me. My beautiful baby and loving husband (who saves my life every single day) and our life as farmers and small business owners.  Thanks for coming along side this beautiful ride called life.